Wednesday, September 24, 2008

good news


I just got home from CPR/First Aid training, provided by the Red Cross. It was very informative and I learned a lot. So now on to some crafting...

Safety First! Happy Crafting,

~the Crafty Sitter,

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

family trees and wall art

Hello Crafty Peeps,

Its been a while, hope you are all doing well after the hurricane! I have been busy crafting and have a new project to post. It is a super fun easy way to make something colorful and fun for your wall. For this project you can choose to make a family tree, or simply choose your favorite animal silhouette and add your own lettering. I will bring a frame and several fabrics to chose from. 

Project #21 Silhouette Frame
Approximately 3 hours
Materials Fee $ 20

Happy Crafting!
~the Crafty Sitter

*If you love these frames, check out my store: Tanto!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

crafty peeps

At Sew Crafty during White Linen Night, with two of my favorite crafty ladies, Sofia and Sarah. 

Check out the new Kids Can Sew classes at Sew Crafty! 

Happy Crafting!
~the Crafty Sitter

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Crafty Basics

I have been getting a lot of questions about how the Crafty Sitter process happens. So to clarify, heres how it works:

1. Pick a time and date for the Crafty Sitter to come to your house.
2. Pick a project. It can be a project that is your own unique idea, or a project from my list of projects. 
3. Additionally, given the right time frame, pick a destination. Possibilities: the park, museum, library (my favorite!). 
4. Keep in mind that I also love to read, dance, go for walks, picnics, sing, make music and answer lots of questions! 

Happy Crafting!
~the Crafty Sitter

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

owl hoodie

Awesome tutorial from, for an appliqued hoodie! The tutorial includes the pattern for the adorable owl, but you can also get creative and make your own!

Happy Crafting!

Saturday, July 26, 2008


I have loved Sesame Street since I was little. I also love Feist!

~the Crafty Sitter

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

fabric houses

Make this little house where dolls can live. Also a great little house for jewelry and treasures. 

Happy Crafting!
~the Crafty Sitter